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Please keep in mind that the following list represent an extremely limited list of publicly available resources for people. There are a great many more places where communications are happening, many private, some semi-public. Once you've established contact with people, you may be invited to other communications groups beyond what are listed here. If they're not listed here, that's for a reason. Please respect that.

General chat

Name Purpose Local Admin(s)
The Postfurry Embassy on Discord Open-access Discord Chat (more info) Xurnami
Postfurry MUCK In-character socialization and roleplay (application required) Indi
Postfurry Slack Diverse discussion topics (semi-private) Zander

Users of all the above venues are subject to the Postfurry Worlds Code of Conduct.

Subject-specific Telegram groups (Public)

Name Purpose Guidelines Local Admin(s)
Luminescent Kelp Garden -- Moon Pools Public meeting space for members and regulars at Luminescent Kelp Garden This is a public channel about a private residence and its occupants; keep that in mind. Sariya, Adept Omega, Kyresti
Hydroponics Bay Δ9 Redux New public discussion space for cannabinoids in the postfurry community. Strains, shops, experiences. Don't harsh anybody else's buzz. There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's. Puff-puff-pass. Strong rules statement TBD. Sariya

Subject-specific Telegram groups (Private)

The following groups exist and are listed here for the sake of transparency, but currently require manual invitation, usually for spam-mitigation purposes. Please contact the listed admins via another Telegram or Discord group for access.

Name Purpose Guidelines Local Admin(s)
Seattle Postfurries General chat for Seattle-specific chatter and events. Be nice to each other! emanate
Blazewing Eyrie Landing Public meeting space for members and regulars at Blazewing Eyrie This is a public channel about a private residence and its occupants; keep that in mind. Elanna

Mailing Lists