The orthocosmic history of Postfurry MUCK

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In the mid 2000's, many of the early PuzzleboxMUCK inhabitants were looking for a new place to go without the increasingly convoluted continuity and expectations of that RP-heavy environment. They wanted to create a new place from scratch that was inherently geared toward free-wheeling low-continuity roleplay and open sexuality. The original MUCK landscape consisted of one room, the Oneirolith Impact Crater, which included an abstract fanciful description that encouraged more development. Initially, access to the server was by invitation only, with the admins only creating accounts for people they knew and were confident would maintain the fragile social vibe, rather than become sprawling and unmaintainable, the fate that they believed befell PuzzleboxMUCK.

Quite a bit more ad-hoc building ensued over the next couple months, but eventually the admins decided they'd like to establish a more specific structure that encouraged the sorts of interaction that the MUCK was originally built for. They built the 12Fold Resorts, a hyperrealistic representation of a mythic version of the Sol system, recontextualized as a theme park, and renamed the place 12Fold MUCK after them. They also raised the profile of the MUCK among the postfurry community, increasing the population and activity on the server.

The 12Fold structure worked well for a while, but some building continued that didn't fit closely with the theme. The Oneriopolis area was created in the late 2000s as an alternative context to support locations that did not quite fit in as part of the interplanetary theme park. Over the next few years, more Oneiropolis districts and features were added, and the MUCK topology and location listings were adjusted slightly to feature different areas on more of an equal footing.

In late 2013 the MUCK got its biggest reconfiguration since the initial introduction of the 12Fold worlds. All building was maintained, but a new central area was created that went back to the MUCK's highly abstract beginnings, with clear links off to the 12Fold Resort, the Oneiropolis, and more. The MUCK itself was renamed to Postfurry MUCK, to reflect the broader community-based theme, and the website was launched that included a character request system.

A few years later, interest in the old Puzzlebox canon started to perk up again, inspiring a number of the original contributors to come up with a way to explore new facets of those old themes. They introduced The Fracturing, and started to describe how the Warps had grown and changed after that event. As part of this, some bits and pieces of the Warps were added back into Postfurry MUCK, as a way to explore some of those possibilities further.

The MUCK went along quietly for years, with occasional scheduled events. A series of these in 2024 introduced a number of new players to the MUCK, but some of them found themselves with a problem; the abstract, multi-planar, do-anything nature of the place made it hard for them to work out how to build more involved roleplay and continuity. The admins considered different ways to approach this, and realized that the Fracturing provided a possibility to reorient the whole place around a new-but-old theme: the Puzzlebox, broken apart and expanded and inclusive of many other strange worlds that the postfurry community has created since that original MUCK shut down.