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Tilglish is one of the many languages on dim-terra. It originally formed in 1013 with use of glyphs called verikoglyphs, created by Nihimish citizens. In 1219, Tilglim created the Old/New dichotomy with New Tilglish, reshaping the glyphs into a script called verogaian.

New Tilglish had the ability to be translated from Jemish, a descendant of the first language on dim-terra. Omaian, a language spawned in 1305 for the islanders in Suenda, had been influenced by Tilglish. Said exchange of language and translated caused the creation of the Omai Tribe and the Great Lun hai Path mythologies.

Omaian is still used today with a keterran script, based upon Jemish's ancestor language.


Tilglish has always been a relatively easy language to learn in regards to vocab and simplicity, which makes it the most spoken language on the planet.

It is SSVO; subject, subject2, verb, and object, meaning that multiple subjects can be mentioned at once and that any word other than SSVO comes directly after in any order.