Hieromachina Components
Each Component of the machine has its own symbol, elemental correspondence, submachine, and paired component of the opposite energy type. All associations on this page are my own personal associations, some broad and some very specific. A few of them will probably be further developed over time. The Ground components in particular are named after orthocosm machine parts. (For more information on the Elements and Qualities, see Associations)
1 - Ignition
{icon} Attributes:
- Luminous
- Will
Impulse, initiation, spark.
The start of many things. Often explosive creativity, sudden bursts of inspiration, epiphanies. Taking control of a situation. The beginning of a story, or of a mix, or other creations. Blank canvases, empty pages, whitespace.
Raw energy, passion, keeping track of ideas. The energy gained from the beginning of a project or something new—or in declaring something finished.
{icon} Attributes:
- 'Aries'
- Cardinal
- Fire
The initial moment of posting something new and anticipating feedback. Sharing creations outwardly, with others.
Interaction with other's worlds, creations, stories. Shared experiences.